A study was carried out to explored the effect of Pictures in
teaching reading fluency skills to primary three pupils in Sokoto metropolis,
in Sokoto state (Nigeria). The purpose is to investigate whether or not Pictures
in teaching reading fluency skills, influence the achievement level of the
participants between genders and groups as against the conventional chalk and
board method, in the study area. The study sampled 178 pupils randomly from
eight primary schools. Mixed design research method was employed in the study,
where attitude and aptitude of the subjects of the experimental group were
measured before and after the treatment. Six research questions were asked, and
four hypotheses generated which were statistically tested at 0.05 levels of
significant. T-test, two ways analysis of variance (2 – way ANOVA) and Wilcoxon
2 sign test were employed to test the hypothesis accordingly. Guided reading
passages with Pictures were used to teach the experimental group, while the
control group was exposed to the same passages but taught traditionally with
chalk board and teacher talk. It was found that there was significant
difference between those exposed to Pictures compared to those exposed to chalk
and teacher talk traditional method of teaching. It was also discovered that no
significant difference exist between gender within the experimental group, as
there was also no significant difference observed between gender and groups
(experimental and control). On the basis of these findings, it was concluded
that Pictures are effective tools in teaching reading fluency skills to primary
three pupils, particularly in the study area, and that Pictures are gender
friendly. The study therefore recommends that primary school teachers should be
encouraged to use Pictures in their teaching, ICT should as a matter of urgency
be embedded in teacher training curriculum, and most importantly, the teacher
training institutions, should have a Reading Instruction Research Centre to
cater for the needs of the reading instructors as well as the needs of the
pupils in terms of materials development.