Wednesday 31 July 2013


Browser Bookmarks
Bookmarking is a process according to that saves the url of a web page which allows the user to check back to it whenever he so wished to. There are two types of this process: Browser and Social bookmarking. Browser bookmarking according to Cahil, (2013) is only accessible from the computer and the browser used to bookmark, while social bookmarking according to Wikipedia is a centralized online service which enables users to add, annotate, edit and even share bookmarks of web documents with friends, students and even colleagues for professional development. These possibilities as against the browser method of bookmarking according to Cahil, (2013) enable valuable web page related resources to be shared, as a result, stand out, beyond search eng
ines algorithm ranking.
Social Bookmarks Using Diigo 
                There are many different types of social bookmarking tools, but the two popular one particularly recommended by Cahil, (2013) are delicious and diigo. Delicious is a simple and useful tool particularly to those individuals who are only interested in saving their bookmarks online; while diigo in addition to saving bookmarks online, it also saves digital highlight and notes, and it again has a free classroom version that enables teachers to interact and share their valuable bookmarks with their students in the classroom.
                Diigo therefore is the most appropriate social bookmarking tools for educators, and it takes the following three simple steps to start using online bookmarks in your classroom as a teacher:
1.       Sign up for diigo account by going to
2.       Visit the tools section of the diigo web page and install a diigolet for your browser, or alternatively install the whole diigo toolsbar.
3.       Apply for diigo educator account.

In my humble opinion as a teacher, social bookmarking activity is cool and an awesome teaching and learning activity and enhanced online/mobile learning and further deconstruct the walls of traditional classroom to allow learning to take at anytime, anyplace and in anywhere.  

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